在综合分析消防信息系统现状的基础上,将地理信息系统开发平台MapX与高级语言开发工具VB相结合,以SQL Server作为数据库管理工具,实现对复杂空间数据的管理,建立基于GIS技术的城市消防信息系统。具体介绍了设计思想,空间数据存储和处理的方法,系统的功能设计与实现的关键代码。实现了灵活的电子地图显示及专题信息查询功能,对消防的最优路径分析功能,增强了系统的空间分析能力,从而有效和科学利用消防资源,以最小的代价,最大限度地减轻人民生命财产损失。
On the basis of studying the prospect of current fire - fight information system, the paper combines MapX, the GIS development platform to VB language, applies SQL Server as the DBMS and realize the management of the complicated space data, creates urban fire - fighting information system based on GIS. It introduce the thinking of designing, data storing and process, function designing and key code of the system, realize the vivid electron map and search the special subject information, It design the space data construction of the urban fire - fighting according to GIS different from the traditional space data structural, realize the superior path analysis function of the fire - fighting. It is valid to make use of the fire - fighting resources with minimum price, the biggest limits alleviates the loss of the life property of people.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying