采用直接混合和溶液混合两种不同的复合工艺,将铌锌锆钛酸铅(PZN-PZT)压电陶瓷粉体分散于有机聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)基体中,制备了0-3型PZN-PZT/PVDF压电复合材料。研究了复合工艺对压电复合材料性能的影响。结果表明,采用溶液混合法能有效地改善陶瓷的分散性及复合材料的压电性,当陶瓷质量分数为90%时,压电复合材料的压电常数d33达到33.4 pC.N-1。
The piezoelectric ceramic powders PZN - PZT are fabricated PZN -PZT particles are dispersed into PVDF polymer matrix through by solid state sintering technique. direct mixing method and solution mixing method to form PZN - PZT/PVDF 0 - 3 piezoelectric composites. The effect of compound technique on properties of piezoelectric composites is discussed. The results show that solution mixing method can improve the dispersing level and the piezoelectric properties. The piezoelectric constant d33 of composites achieves 33.4 pC·N^-1 when the mass fraction of ceramics is 90%.
Henan Chemical Industry