Objective To investigate the technique of transarterial embolization of dural carotid- cavernous fistulas (DCCFs) with low concentration ( 14%--25% ) of n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) and determine its value. Methods Eight patients with DCCFs were treated by transarterial embolization with low concentration of NBCA using a wedged microcatheter. Of the 8 patients, 5 had unsuccessful transvenous embolization and 3 could not be treated with transvenous embolization. Results Transarterial embolization with low concentration of NBCA using a wedged microcatheter resulted in complete obliteration of the affected cavernous sinus and related shunts in 5 patients, no residual arteriovenous shunt was demonstrated on post- embolization angiography. On clinical and angiographic follow-up 6--12 months later, complete resolution of clinical symptoms was observed in all 5 patients and there were no recurrent or residual DCCFs found. Partial obliteration of the involved cavernous sinus and the related shunt was achieved in the remaining 3 patients on immediate post-procedure angiography, but the volume of shunt diminished significantly. On clinical and angiographic follow-up 3 months later, in 2 patients, clinical symptoms were improved and the arteriovenous shunts were diminished; in the third patient, clinical symptom resolved and the shunt was obliterated. There were no major complications except for the transient worsening of ocular symptoms due to VI cranial nerve palsy in 1 patient. Conclusions Transarterial embolization of DCCFs with low concentration of NBCA using a wedged microcatheter was a safe and effective treatment method. It is an optimal alternative for the patients with DCCFs in which transvenous route was unsuccessful, or impossible.
Chinese Journal of Radiology
Arteriovenous fistulas