
教师工作倦怠的调查研究 被引量:8

Diagnosis of Job Burnout in Different Teachers
摘要 采用工作倦怠问卷(BM)对429名教师进行调查,初步探寻BM问卷的评价标准,考察不同层次学校教师的工作倦怠检出率,结果发现:⑴BM问卷三因素的临界值分别为:耗竭分数>34,士气消沉分数>30,动机丧失分数>18;⑵教师的工作倦怠检出率以轻度倦怠为主,小学教师具有高的耗竭(35.6%)和士气消沉检出率(37%),高中教师具有高的耗竭检出率(35.4%),大学教师具有高的动机丧失检出率(34.9%),而初中教师相对较低;⑶教师的工作倦怠依据程度的差异可以划分为零倦怠、轻度倦怠、中度倦怠和高度倦怠四种水平。 A burnout measure(BM) was administered to 429 teachers to develop the diagnostic criterion of job burnout and examine the rate between different teachers. The results revealed the emotional exhaustion 〉 34, depersonalization 〉 30 and reduced personal accomplishment〉 18 could be used as the cut-off of the job burnout. Primary school teachers had a higher rate of emotional exhaustion (35.6 % ) and depersonalization(37 % ). Senior high school teachers had a higher rate of emotional exhaustion (35.4 % ) and college teachers had a higher rate of reduced personal accomplishment (34.9%), but junior high school teachers lower. We classify job burnout into four levels, namely, zero burnout, low-grade burnout, moderate burnout and high-grade burnout.
作者 梅敏君
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期487-490,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 浙江省教育厅课题(20060071)项目。
关键词 工作倦怠(BM) 评价标准 检出率 burnout measure(BM), diagnostic criterion, rate of examination
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