幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)阳性的功能性消化不良(FD)或非溃疡性消化不良(NUD)相当于有消化不良症状的慢性活动性胃炎,前者强调消化不良症状,后者则强调胃黏膜组织学改变。根除H. pylori可使部分患者的症状得到长期改善,胃黏膜活动性炎症消退,逆转或防止萎缩/肠化生的发展,预防胃癌和消化性溃疡,与其他治疗措施相比具有费用-疗效比优势。
The symptomatology of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) positive functional dyspepsia (FD) or non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) is almost the same as that of chronic active gastritis with dyspeptic symptoms, the former emphasizes on dyspeptic symptoms, while the latter focuses on histological changes of gastric mucosa. Eradication of H. pylori leads to long-term amelioration of dyspeptic symptoms in a portion of patients with FD or NUD, eliminating active inflammation of gastric mucosa, reversing the progression of gastric atrophy/intestinal metaplasia, and preventing the development of gastric cancer as well as peptic ulcer disease. Hence, eradication of H. pylori is cost-effective as compared with other therapeutic strategies for FD or NUD.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology