普通小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)品系兰考90(6)携带一个小种专化的隐性抗白粉病新基因,暂称为PmLK906。为了深入了解小麦抗白病的分子机制,用中国春/兰考906 F3纯合抗、感家系构建抗、感cDNA池,以此抗、感cDNA池为探针筛选小麦基因芯片,获得了可能与PmLK906连锁或参与了兰考90(6)抗白粉病反应的EST(expression sequence tag)信息,其中在感病池表达量高8倍以上的有34个,抗病池表达量高8倍以上的有28个。排除假阳性结果,这些信息可能代表了与PmLK906紧密连锁或参与抗病反应的基因。从抗病池表达量高的EST中选择2个EST序列信息,设计了2对特异性引物,在抗、感亲本cDNA和抗、感cDNA池中扩增,显示出一致的差异条带,提示可能与PmLK906连锁。在兰考90(6)21-12中克隆了一个与粗山羊草(Aegilops tauschii)csAtPR5类似的基因。连锁分析表明,该基因与PmLK906连锁,遗传距离约为7.6 cM。根据csAtPR5类似基因设计的一对特异性引物可作为PmLK906的STS分子标记。
Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) line Lankao 90(6) harbors a novel recessive resistant gene to powdery mildew temporarily named as PmLKg06. Powdery mildew susceptible and resistant cDNA pools were assembled using F3 homozygous susceptible and resistant lines derived from a cross of Chinese Spring and Lankao 90(6)21-12. The wheat gene chip was screened with the cDNA pools as probes. Total 34 ESTs of more than eightfold highly expressed in the susceptible cDNA pool, and 28 ESTs in the resistant cDNA pool were obtained. Except false positive ESTs, these representative sequences may be closely linked to PmLKg06 or involved in powdery mildew resistance reaction. Two specific primer pairs were designed basing on two ESTs highly expressed in the resistant cDNA pool. Amplifications of the parent cDNAs and the susceptible/resistant cDNA pools showed coincident polymorphic bands, indicating they could be linked to PmLK906. A new csAtPR5-1ike gene cDNA clone (GenBank accession number: EU082094) similar to csAtPR5 in Aegilops tauschii was isolated from Lankao 90(6)21-12. The csAtPRS-like gene was linked to PmLKg06 at a genetic distance of 7.6 cM. A pair of gene specific primers derived from csAtPR5-1ike gene could be used as an STS marker to trace PmLKg06 in wheat breeding.
Journal of Triticeae Crops