本文用20%的NaOH溶液对棉纤维的预处理、醚化、接枝合成工艺进行了优化;在不同条件下,研究了咪唑季铵盐棉纤维对DOSO^-_3的吸附性能.结果表明,用NaOH预处理棉纤维后,在适当的条件下醚化棉纤维素,再用氢氧化钠作催化剂,按3 g环氧基纤维素醚与10 mL甲基咪唑配比接枝,得到白色味唑季铵盐纤维素.用咪唑季铵盐棉纤维对DOSO^-_3进行吸附,吸附率可达91.8%,吸附效果令人满意.
The paper investigates the method of using 20%NaOH to optimize the synthesize crafts of the pretreatment,the etherization,and the graft.Under different conditions ,absorbing quality of the Quatemary Ammonium Salt cellulose to DOSO3%^- has been studied.The result shows:after using NaOH pretreatment cotton cellulose,under proper condition,the cellulose is etherified,and using NaOH as a catalyst.according to the proportion of 10ml/3g (methyl imidazole/epoxy cellulose ether),the epoxy cellulose ether is grafted,and white polyamine type Quaternary Ammonium Salt cellulose is received.The ammonium salt cellulose can easily absorb DOSO3 and adsorpton efficiency reaches 91.8%.It has good absorbing property .
Journal of Yulin Normal University