BACKGROUND: Liver stem cells can be induced and differentiated into mature hepatocytes. Transplanted liver stem cells would be good to recovery of damaged hepatic tissues and compensate some hepatic functions.
OBJECTIVE: To introduce the research status quo of liver stem cell induced and differentiated into mature hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro
RETRIEVAL STRATEGY: We searched in Pubmed for the literatures published from January 2000 to October 2007 with the key words of "liver stem cell, differentiation"in English. We also searched in Wanfang database for relevant articles published from January 2000 to October 2007 in Chinese. Inclusive criterion: The articles related to the induction and differentiation of liver stem cells were collected. Exclusive criteria: Repetitive investigation or Meta analysis articles were excluded.
LITERATURE EVALUATION: From over 100 pieces we chosen 38 pieces of articles which focus on the induction and differentiation of liver stem cells, and those published in the more authorized journals within recent years were superiority. Of the total, 5 pieces were related on isolating culture and proliferation of cells, 22 pieces on induction and differentiation in vitro, and I l pieces on induction and differentiation in vivo. From over 30 pieces of articles, we summed up and arranged those about differentiation into mature hepatocytes. Of them, 28 were used as reference for review.
DATA SYNTHESIS: According to origin, liver stem cells can be divided into liver-derived liver stem cells and non-liver-derived liver stem cells. The former include oval cells, differentiated liver cells, fetal liver cells and bile duct endothelial cells. The latter include embryonic stem cells, bone marrow haemopoietic stem cells, pancreas glandular epithelium cells and enterocytes. All are characterized by pleiotropia variation. Induction and differentiation of liver stem cells: ①in vitro: Cell induction culture systems can be different cytokines or chemical agents or patho-micro
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research