
B类维生素对活性污泥处理污水的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Vitamin B on Sewage Treatment for Activated Sludge
摘要 [目的]为探索添加单一维生素对污水处理效能的影响。[方法]在12℃条件下,向活性污泥污水处理系统中添加适宜浓度的B族维生素,研究其对活性污泥化学需氧量(CODCr)去除率、出水中TN和TP含量、污泥浓度(MLSS)、污泥沉降比和污泥体积指数的影响,并分析了添加VB5对活性污泥污水处理系统内微型动物群落的影响。[结果]单独添加VB3、VB5可加快人工合成污水中CODCr、TN、TP的去除,并对MLSS有一定影响。添加VB1和VB7则分别对TP的去除和MLSS有一定的影响,但均不明显。VB1、VB2、VB6和VB7对CODCr和TN去除均没有影响。添加VB5对活性污泥中微型动物群落组成和结构有一定的影响。[结论]该研究为明确各种单一微量营养物在污水处理中的作用提供了参考。 [Objective] The research aimed to discuss the effects of adding single vitamin on the treatment efficiency of sewage. [Method] Under the conditions of 12℃, suitable concentrations of vitamin B were added to sewage treatment system for activated sludge to study their effects on the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr)in activated sludge, the contents of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the effluent, sludge concentration (MISS), sludge settlement ratio and sludge volume index. And the effects of adding VB5 on microfauna community in sewage treatment system for activated sludge were analyzed. [Result] Adding VB3 or VB5 singly could quicken the removal of CODCr, total nitrogen and total phosphorus and have certain influences on MISS. Adding VB1 and VB7 had certain influences on the removal of total phosphorus and MISS respectively, but the influences were not obvious. VB1, VB2, VB6 and VB7 all had no effect on the removal of CODCr and total nitrogen. And adding VB5 had certain effects on the composition and structure of microfauna community in the activated sludge. [Conclusion] This research provided references for confirming the effects of all kinds of single micronutrients in sewage treatment.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期699-701,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 河北省自然基金(C2006000973) 国家环境总局南京环境科学研究中央级公益性科研院所基本科研务费专项资助
关键词 B族维生素 活性污泥 CODCR去除率 微型动物群落 Vitamin B Activated sludge Removal rate of CODCr Microfauna community
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