文中提出了基于VHDL语言的两种交通信号控制器的设计与比较,分别采用有限状态机和计数器两种设计方法,给出了控制器的部分VHDL代码,利用Quartus II进行全程编译和仿真,并在FPGA器件EP1K30TC144-3上进行硬件下载验证,最后对两种设计进行比较。结果表明,两种设计方法切实可行。
This paper presents two kinds of traffic light controllers based on the VHDL language with two design methods. The VHDL codes of the controller are given, and Quartus Ⅱ is used for compiling and simulation. Then the design is verified on FPGA device EP1K30TC144-3. The result indicates that both methods are feasible.
Techniques of Automation and Applications