
多元话语分析:以社会分层研究为例 被引量:35

Pluralistic Discourse Analysis:Analyzing the social stratification phenomenon as an illustration
摘要 客观主义社会分层论者将"社会分层"现象视为一种纯粹给定的、独立于社会成员个人主观意识之外的"客观性现实",致力于探究支配着"社会分层"现象形成和变化的"客观规律";主观主义社会分层论者则将"社会分层"现象视为一种由社会成员个人的主观意识建构出来的"主观性现实",致力于考察导致"社会分层"现象产生和变化的那些主观意识。与此二者不同,多元话语分析学者则将"社会分层"现象视为一种由社会成员在特定话语系统的约束和引导之下、借助于一些特定的话语策略而建构出来的"话语性现实",主张致力于探讨人们将社会关系建构为"社会分层"现象的那些话语策略及其背后的话语系统(话语构成规则)。 Objectivists view the phenomenon of 'social stratification' as the 'objective reality' that is given to and independent of the subjective consciousness of individuality of a society's individual members. Subjectivists consider 'social stratification' as a 'subjective reality' made up by individual subjective consciousness. In contrast to both 'objectivists' and 'subjectivists', pluralistic discourse analysts take 'social stratification' as a 'discourse reality' constructed by specific social members with certain specific strategies when constrained and guided by a specific discourse system. Correspondingly, objectivists always focus on exploring the 'objective laws' controlling the formation and changes of 'social stratification', subjectivists are always committed to the study of those subjective consciousnesses, whereas pluralistic discourse analysts are calling for the study of those discourse strategy and system.
作者 谢立中
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期68-101,共34页 Sociological Studies
基金 "十五"国家社会科学基金项目"社会研究中的话语-文本分析:后现代思潮的社会学意涵"(04BSH007)的研究成果之一
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