
牛亚科4个群体MHC-DRB3.2座位酶切多样性分析 被引量:2

Polymorphism Analysis of MHC-DRB3.2 in 4 Bovine Populations
摘要 采用限制性内切酶HaeⅢ、BstYⅠ分别对鲁西黄牛、渤海黑牛、盱眙水牛和中国荷斯坦奶牛MHC-DRB3.2基因的半巢式PCR产物进行酶切。结果表明:4个群体均在HaeⅢ酶切位点上表现多碱基突变,盱眙水牛等位基因数少于其他3个群体;鲁西黄牛、渤海黑牛和中国荷斯坦奶牛在BstYⅠ酶切位点上表现多碱基突变,而盱眙水牛未检测到突变;χ2适合性检测表明鲁西黄牛、盱眙水牛2个群体在HaeⅢ酶切位点上碱基突变偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态,中国荷斯坦奶牛在BstYⅠ酶切位点上碱基突变也偏离Hardy-Wein-berg平衡状态,而鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛在BstYⅠ酶切位点碱基突变已经或基本接近Hardy-Weinberg平衡;根据DA遗传距离和Roger遗传距离的NJ法和UPGMA法对4个群体进行亲缘关系聚类,鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛首先聚为一类,其次是中国荷斯坦奶牛,盱眙水牛最后加入。结果显示:用牛的PCR-RFLP体系可进行水牛的MHC-DRB3.2基因的研究;盱眙水牛MHC-DRB3.2基因的突变率低于黄牛。 The restriction polymorphisms of MHC-DRB3.2 in 4 population of bovine were investigated by Semi-Nest PCR with enzyme of HaeⅢ and BstYⅠ . The results revealed that there were extensive polymorphisms in the site of HaeⅢ in 4 populations, but Xuyi buffalo had fewest alleles in 4 populations. Extensive mutations also existed in the site of BstYⅠ in Luxi cattle, Bohai cattle and Holstein cow, with homomorphism in Xuyi buffalo. Statistical analysis showed that polymorphisms in the site of HaeⅢ did not fit with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Luxi cattle, Xuyi buffalo. Polymorphisms in the site of BstYⅠ also did not fit with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Holstein cow. Polymorphisms in the site of BstYⅠ in Luxi cattle and Bohai cattle fitted with or almost reached Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. NJ and UPGMA dendrograms were constructed based on DA and Roger genetic distance respectively. Luxi cattle and Bohai cattle were grouped at first , then Holstein cow, finally Buffalo clusted with all above. This study indicated the PCR-RFLP system of cattle can be applied in the research of Buffalo. The polymorphism of MHC-DRB3.2 in Buffalo is less abundant than cattle.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期31-36,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 江苏省农业三项工程项目[SX(2004)089] 江苏省"十五"科技攻关项目(BE2004316)
关键词 MHC-DRB3.2 PCR-RFLP Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态 系统聚类 Bovine MHC-DRB3.2 PCR-RFLP Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Phylogenetic cluster
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