
城市山洪灾害易损性的RS和GIS分析 被引量:8

Vulnerability analysis of urban flash floods
摘要 以受山洪灾害影响突出的云南文山城区为研究区,从承灾体属性特征和社会承灾能力二个方面探讨了城市山洪灾害易损性分析的方法;利用高分辨率遥感卫星影像为数据源完成城市土地覆盖类型解译,在此基础上应用GIS定量分析城市山洪灾害易损性。对承灾体属性特征定量分析结果表明,文山城区50年一遇山洪淹没范围内的承灾体中城市房屋建筑的易损性最大。对易损性要素中的社会承灾能力分析认为,由于文山城区段防洪河道行洪能力低,蓄滞洪能力弱,山洪灾害的易损性仍然较高,山洪对文山城威胁形势严峻。 This paper approaches the method to assess the vulnerability of the urban flash flood. The approach involves two aspects of the attribution feature of affected objects by floods and social mitigation ability against flood hazards. The study area is located in the Wenshan City of Yunnan Plateau. Detail urban land cover information is derived using the high spatial resolution satellite imagery. Then, the vulnerability value to different land-use features is evaluated based on a GIS analytical tool. The analysis indicates that urban houses suffered from the highest vulnerability level among all urban objects with the possible inundated area for 50 year return period. The paper also analyzes the social mitigation ability against flood hazards that is a factor of vulnerability assessment for urban torrent. The study shows that the vulnerability keeps high because of the river channel of the urban area can not transfer more flood water and the reservoir of the upper reaches of Panlong River can not store more runoff water in order to reduce flash flood hazard to impact the Wenshan City. The torrent still threatens the safety of the urban area.
作者 朱静 唐川
出处 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期61-67,共7页 Journal of Chengdu University of Technology: Science & Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40371018)
关键词 山洪灾害 易损性分析 文山城区 遥感解译 flash flood vulnerability analysis Wenshan City interpretation of remote sensing
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