介绍利用支持面向对象的程序设计的Visual FoxPro作为工具开发教师信息管理系统,重点介绍教师信息管理系统的功能,数据库和系统关键程序的设计与实现。系统能够较好地满足当前高校对教师数据管理的要求,并且具有良好的扩展性,可与学校内部的其他信息管理系统相互集成应用。
This paper introduces the process of Teachers' Management Information System design to use Visual FoxPro which supports OOP. It mainly introduces the design application of the function, datebase and the key program. This system can satisfy the request of teacher data management, and integrates with other information management system with better ex- pansibility.
Modern Electronics Technique