目的建立适合移植实验使用的裸鼠造血微环境损伤动物模型。方法分别用3.5Gy、5Gy、6.5Gy、8Gy4个60Coγ辐射剂量照射裸鼠,检测经过辐照后各组裸鼠1、3、5、7、14、21 d血象变化,检测辐射后1、7、14、21 d裸鼠骨髓基质CFU-F形成情况,用流式细胞仪检测辐射后1、7、14、21 d骨髓基质细胞VCAM-1的表达。结果8.0 Gy辐射剂量裸鼠死亡率100%;3.5 Gy、5 Gy、6.5 Gy辐射剂量组裸鼠的造血损伤均能在辐射后21天之内自我恢复;6.5 Gy组骨髓CFU-F于移植后7 d(22±6)、14d(33±6)较3.5 Gy、5 Gy组均具有显著降低(P<0.01),VCAM-1表达于7 d(21.67±7.45)、14d(22.33±9.07)、21d(23.33±4.51)较对照组显著降低(P<0.01)、较3.5 Gy组差异有显著性(P<0.05),21d(23.33±4.51)较5 Gy组(34.00±4.36)差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论6.5Gy是裸鼠造血微环境损伤实验动物模型的适宜辐射剂量。
Objective To establish the hematopoietic inductive microenvironment (HIM) damage model for the transplant experiment in nude mice. Methods Irradiate the experimental nude mice by 3.5GY, 5GY, 6- 5GY and 8GY ^60Coγ respectively and detect the changes of hemogram at 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days and the formation of CFU-F in marrow stroma at 1,7,14, and 21 days, and the expression of VCAM-1 at 1, 7, 14, and 21 days by flow cytometry. Results Irradiated with 8Gy, the death rate of nude mice was 100%. All the nude mice in 3.5Gy group, 5Gy group and 6.5Gy group could be recovered by themselves within 21 days after radiation. Moreover in the 6.5Gy group, the CFU- F was markedly lower at 7d(22±6) and 14d(33±6) than 3.5Gy and 5Gy groups(P〈0.01). The expression of VCAM- 1 at 7d(21.67±7.45), 14d(22.33±9.07),and 21d(23.33±4. 51) was significantly lower than the control group (P〈 0.01), and different from the 3.5Gy group(P〈0. 05). The expression of VCAM-1 was significantly different between 5Gy group (34.00±4.36) and at 21d (23.33±4. 51 ,P〈0.05). Conclusion 6. 5Gy is the suitable radiation dose for the HIM damage model in nude mice.
Medical Journal of West China
Hematopoietic inductive microenvironment
Nude mice
Animal model