
新教师成长研究综述 被引量:15

A Research Review on the Development of Novice Teachers
摘要 新教师成长研究的蓬勃兴起源于教师教育的发展和课程改革的需要,并且受到新兴社科理论的影响。其研究内容涉及从学生到教师身份转变的经历、影响教师信念和行为的社会因素,新教师的思考认知过程及其行动结果。研究发现新教师的成长在诸如理想与现实的差距、职业身份认同的发展、社会化进程的影响以及文化差异的冲击等方面呈现出多维的、动态的特征。 Research on the development of novice teachers has sprung vigorously with the development of teacher education and requirements of curriculum reform, and has been influenced by The research emphasizes the transitional experience from student to teacher, socializing new sociological theories. factors influencing teachers 'beliefs and behaviors, cognitive process and actions of novice teachers. The research has highlighted the multidimensional and dynamic natures of novice teachers'development in terms of the mismatch between expectations and reality, the quest for professional identity, the impact of socialization and culture shocks.
作者 段冰 施春阳
出处 《天津师范大学学报(基础教育版)》 2007年第4期13-16,64,共5页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Elementary Education Edition)
关键词 新教师 认知 成长 novice teachers cognition development
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