无线局域网要获得最佳的传输性能就必须全面利用信道中的冗余信息,包括利用MAC层的检错校验信息。本文分析了WLAN MAC层CRC校验的数学原理和检错纠错能力,在分析单比特错误帧分布的基础上提出了一种利用MAC层CRC编码的单比特纠错能力提高传输性能的新方案。仿真结果表明应用CRC编码纠正错误对于帧错误概率和吞吐量都有改善作用,在特定的误码率条件下吞吐量有显著的提高。
In order to obtain the belst transfer performance, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) must utterly utilize the redundant information of channel, including using the information of error-correcting of MAC layer. This paper analyzes the mathematical algorithm as well as error-detecting capability and error-correcting capability of CRC. Based upon the analysis of the distribution of Single Bit Error Frame, this paper proposed a new method that is utilizing the Single Bit Error-Detecting capability of CRC codes in order to improve the transfer performance. The result of simulation indicates that applying CRC codes to correct error can improve the frame error probability and throughput greatly, especially in a certain Bit Error Ratio condition.
Control & Automation