
间歇性和恒定性外斜视的立体视研究 被引量:1

Study on the stereopsis of intermittent and two types of constant exotropia
摘要 目的探讨曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视术后立体视觉是否优于无间歇期的恒定性外斜视。并且能否和间歇性外斜视一样,获得术后双眼视。方法63例间歇性和恒定性外斜视患者分为3组:间歇性外斜视(组1);曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视(组2);无间歇期的恒定性外斜视(组3)。Titmus立体图检查各组患者手术前后立体视。立体视≤60弧秒为双眼视,立体视≤800弧秒为粗糙立体视。眼位矫正在±8PD为成功。对三组患者术后眼位矫正率和立体视的恢复进行比较。结果第1、2、3组的眼位矫正成功率分别为79%、71%和67%(组1vs组2,P=0.826;组1vs组3,P=0.551;组2vs组3,P=1.000)。组1中25例(74%)术后获得立体视,而组2和组3中无一人获得(组1vs组2,P=0.001;组1vs组3,P=0.001)。第1、2、3组分别有34(100%)、11(79%)和5(33%)例患者获得粗糙立体视(组1vs组2,P=0.021;组1vs组3,P=0.001;组2vs组3,P=0.025)。无论是术后双眼视还是粗糙立体视的恢复,间歇性外斜视患者均优于两组恒定性外斜视患者。而曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视患者在粗糙立体视的恢复优于无间歇期的恒定性外斜视患者。结论曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视患者术后粗糙立体视的恢复要优于无间歇期的恒定性外斜视;但同间歇性外斜视相比,无论是双眼视还是粗糙立体视的恢复均较间歇性外斜视差。曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视可能失去了最佳矫正时机。 Objective To investigate whether constant exotropia patients with a previous history of intermittent exotropia X(T) have a better postoperative sensory outcome than those without previous history of X(T),and whether they like X(T) patients,can achieve postoperative bifixation. Methods Sixty-three consecutive patients with intermittent or constant exotropia were divided into three groups: X(T) (Group 1),constant exotropia with a previous history of X(T) (Group 2),and constant exotropia without previous history of X(T) (Group 3). Successful motor alignment was defined as within 8 PD (exo or eso). A stereoacuity ≤ 60 seconds of arc was considered as bifixation,and a stereoacuity ≤ 800 seconds of arc was considered as gross stereopsis. The surgical outcomes were assessed and compared in motor and sensory terms separately between the three groups. Results The successful motor alignment rates of Group 1,Group 2 and Group 3 were 79%,71%,and 67%,respectively (Group 1 VS Group 2,P= 0.826; Group 1 VS Group 3,P= 0.551; Group 2 VS Group 3,P=1. 000). Twenty-five (74%) patients in Group 1 achieved bifixation and none achieved in Group 2 or Group 3 (Group 1 VS Group 2,P= 0.001; Group 1 VS Group 3,P= 0.001). Meanwhile,34 patients (100%) in Group 1,11 (79%) in Group 2,and 5 (33%) in Group 3 achieved gross stereopsis (Group 1 VS Group 2,P=0.021; Group 2 VS Group 3,P= 0.025; Group 1 VS Group 3,P= 0.001). Compared with patients in the two constant exotropia groups,patients in X(T) group had a significantly better sensory outcome in both bifixation and gross stereopsis. Patients in Group 2 had a better sensory outcome than those in Group 3 in gross stereopsis. Conclusions Con-stant exotropia patients with a previous history of X(T) have a better postoperative sensory outcome in gross stereopsis than those without previous history of X(T),but a worse surgical sensory outcome when compared to X(T) patients in both bifixation and gross stereopsis.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期1231-1234,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 外斜视 立体视 手术 Exotropia Stereopsis Surgery
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