AIM To study the coronary artery angiography characteristics of containing-thrombi lesions, the treatment strategy and the short-term prognosis in the emergency PCI. METHODS One hundred and fourteen acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients were included in the study. Emergency PCI was performed, the coronary artery angiography characteristics of containing-thrombi lesions were evaluated, and the myocardial perfusion levels of patients were assessed by the TMP (TIMI myocardial perfusion). Stepwise logistic regression analysis was employed to determine the independent predictors of low TMP grades and the MACE (major cardiovascular events) after PCI. RESULTS Twenty-five of the 114 patients had the 1-2 grades TMP after PCI. Three independent predictors of low TMP grade after PCI were found: the lumen diameter of the culprit vessels ≥4 mm(OR =5.23, 95% CI, 4.10- 10.78, P = 0.021 ), incomplete obstruction lesions with thrombus three times longer than the reference lumen diameter of the culprit vessels ( OR = 1.47, 95% CI, 1.10 - 3.05, P = 0.039) , and the presence of angio- graphic thrombus after the obstruction vessels were opened ( OR = 3.38, 95% CI, 2. 12 - 5.49, P = 0.044). The third one was also the independent predictor of MACE ( major cardiovascular events) ( OR = 6.84, 95% CI, 2.11 - 9.04, P = 0.035). The use of thrombus-aspirating devices was the protective factor for low TMP grade after PCI ( OR = 0.66, 95 % CI, 0.44 - 0.92, P = 0.009) and the MACE ( OR =0.58, 95%CI, 0.44 -0.95,P=0.041). CONCLUSION The high thrombus burden characteristics of the culprit vessels in AMI patients are correlated with the short-term prognosis and the bad myocardial perfusion after PCI. The use of thrombus-aspirating devices can protect the patients from abnormal myocardial perfusion and poor prognosis.
Chinese Heart Journal
coronary disease
myocardial perfusion
percutaneous coronary interventions