Objective To study the difference and application between icshemic heart disease and non-ischemic heart disease through the quality and activity of serum CK-MB. Methods To determine AMI, ischemic heart disease and non-ischemic heart disease by applying immunosuppress and enzymology respectively. Results The sensitivity and specificity was 93.75% and 66. 66% in 16^# AMI. The sensitivity and specificity of 18 patients infected from the lung was 93.75% and 66. 66% respectively. While considering the false positive rate, high level ere, among 20 non-ischemic heart muscle patients, the false positive rate in activity of CK-MB was obviously higher than that in quality of CK-MB. Conclusion The quality of CK-MB is better than the activity of CK-MB in the performance, especially to AMI patients and ischemic heart muscle patients infected obviously. Secondly, the interference to the quality of CK-MB is lower than to the activity of CK-MB.
Guangzhou Medical Journal