The history of the Sixteen States is written in the style of ZAIJI in JINSHU. As the history of the illegitimate regime, the fact that it is integrated into the official history contains the historians' approval to it. The formation of JINSHU narrative style which regards the East Jin as the legitimate regime, is connected with its source of historical materials. Many of the historical records of the Sixteen States preserved in the Early Tang Dynasty are written by the historians of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Especially, SHILIUGUO CHUNQIU and SANSHIGUO CHUNQIU both degrade the Sixteen States as the illegitimate regime, and at the same time approve its historical status. The pros and cons both influence importantly the formation of the theory of Legitimacy expressed in JINSHU ZAIJI. In addition, the history records of Qian Liang and Xi Liang regimes are excluded from JINSHU ZAIJI. The reason of it is unclear but it broke the boundary between the legitimate and the illegitimate, and reflects the mentality after the unification of the South and the North and the integration of different nationalities.
Journal of Historiography