Objective : To explore the clinical value of measurement of the serum content of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in colon cancer patients. Methods:Serum samples of colon cancer patients (n = 52) were examined for HGF content measurement by the quantitative EIA. Among them,17 patients had diagnosed liver metastasis before test. Also serum HGF contents were measured in the antitheses groups, whom come from department of check-up of our hospital. Results:The level of total HGF in malignant tumor group was significantly higher than those in antitheses groups (P 〈 0.05 ) , and the number of HGF higher combined with stages. There was no significant differences of serum HGF contents was seen between the Duck's A,Duck's B and Duck's C. But Duck's C's level of contents of serum HGF was higher than Duck's B's. There was significant difference between patients with or not liver metastasis ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion:HGF may be anew useful a serum marker of colon cancer and may be have a value for diagnoses ,stages and estimation prognosis for colon cancer patients. Especially it is being a good study target for colon cancer patients whether or not liver metastasis.
Chinese Clinical Oncology