传统的人机工程设计需要做人体模型和进行大量的数据测试,设计难度也比较大。CATIA V5以数字人体模型为基础,为设计师直接提供了一个进行人机产品设计的工作平台。本文简要介绍了CATIA V5的人机工程基本功能和人体模型构造模块中视觉分析功能,以操纵台的视觉设计为例,说明了CATIA V5的视觉分析功能在产品设计中的具体应用方法。
A great deal of data tests and manikins are needed in traditional ergonomics design, while the design is relatively difficult. CATIA V5 provides designers of workspaces based on the digital manikin for ergonomics design . The basic ergonomics function and the vision function of the manikin of CATIA V5 were introduced in this article. The practical application method of CATIA V5 in product design was explained with an example of a vision design of manipulator.
Modern Machinery