考虑一类非线性不等式约束的非光滑minimax分式规划问题;目标函数中的分子是可微函数与凸函数之和形式而分母是可微函数与凸函数之差形式,且约束函数是可微的.在Arrow- Hurwicz-Uzawa约束品性下,给出了这类规划的最优解的Kuhn-Tucker型必要条件.所得结果改进和推广了已有文献中的相应结果.
In this paper, we consider a class of nonsmooth minimax fractional programming problems with nonlinear inequality constraints, where the numerator in the objective function is in the form of sum of differentiable function and convex function while the denominator is in the form of difference of a differentiable function and a convex function, and the constrained functions are differentiable. The Kuhn-Tucker type necessary optimality conditions for such class of problems are developed under the Arrow-Hurwicz-Uzawa constraint qualification. The results obtained in this paper improve and generalize some existing results in the literature.