目前我国尚无关于GIS热胀冷缩方面的量化标准,亦无伸缩节的配置标准。从实际运行的角度出发,主要讨论750kV GIS长距离母线筒热胀冷缩问题。分析兰州东变电站最低(-19℃)、最高(32℃)温度下GIS母线筒的位移量。认为支撑滑块仅仅能够提供母线筒发生位移时的可靠支撑,对于缓解母线筒热胀冷缩问题没有丝毫帮助.不能用支撑滑块代替伸缩节。
At present there are neither quantitative standards regarding the thermal expansion / contraction for GIS equipment, nor configuration standards for expansion bends in China. This paper, based upon the operation practice, elaborates the thermal expansion / contraction of the 750 kV GIS long-distance busbar enclosures. With consideration of the displacement of the GIS busbar enclosure displacement under conditions of -19 ℃ (min.) and 32 ℃ (max.) in Lanzhou Dong electric power station, it concludes that the sliding support can only serve as a reliable support in case of displacement of the bus bar enclosure, but it can by no means elevate alleviate the thermal expansion / contraction of the 750 kV GIS long distance busbar enclosures. Therefore, the sliding support can not replace the expansion bends.
WANG Yi-hui, HE Fu-rong, QI Wen-zhi (Lanzhou 750 kV Power Transmission & Transformation Operation Company. Gansu 730050,China)