Calendar <JIAZI>[1]is one of the chapter in the great historical book <SHIJI> whichwat written by Sima Qian who was also the royal astronomer in the first century BC. <JI-AZI>is mainly composed of a numerical list which gave sexagesimal date and its fragmentof the first day and winter solstice and the number of months (12 or 13) for each year in a76 year's cycle. The structure and meaning of the list have been well-known since it wasset up, but the text did not give the way to create the complete calendar: new moom days,intercalary months, and 24 solar terms. In another paper[2],the writer analyzed its basicastronomical conditions, the mathematic method in which the numerical list was set up. Inthe same way, a set of regulations to arrange the complete calendar was developed.In this paper, the calendar <JIAZI> of a 76 year's cycle is developed by computer asTab. 1. It gives each new-moon day for each year and indicates intercalary months withbold faced type. They are the basic elements of a Chinese calendar.It is a well-known fact that Calendar <TAICHU> was officially used in the times ofSima Qian, and its method was recorded in the history book <HANSHU>. The calendarelements was 1isted in <20 Dynasties Calendar Elements List > (ref. [5]) which is an authorized standard of history circles in modern China. As a matter of fact, ref. [5] came fromanother book (ref. [6]) which was compiled 100 years ago.A calendar list of<TAICHU> in a 76 years interval according to the method in <HANSHU> was developed by computer. A comparison between it and <JIAZI> indicates 11 differences in the 940 new moon days (see Tab. 2). A further comparison verifies that ourresu1t of <TAICHU> is just the same as ref. [6] while there is a mistake in ref. [5]. Thereason of the mistake (Tab. 3) has been found. The research also confirms that in Taichuyears the official calendar was <TAlCHU> rather than<JIAZI>,the latter was claimed byref. [4].
Publications of The Shaanxi Astronomical Observatiory