Objective To giving a scientific evaluation for anti - malaria effort for a half century in Hainan Island and to providing a referenee for making a malaria control strategy in the future. Methods The data concerning malaria eontrol and some research results were collected and analyzed for making a preliminary evaluation on the achievement of anti - malaria for a half century. Results h is showed that since the main vector A. rnlnirnus with indoorphilic and anthropophagus has been eliminated by residual spraying of insecticide in the whole Island, and the range of distribution and danger of the important vector A. dirus has markedly shrunk maybe due to a large sealed open up of the earths and forests, and development of tropical economic erops, and markedly improvement of the housing conditions and mosquito proofing condition of people in the endemic areas, the vectorial capacity or malaria reeeptivity and the basic reproductive rate of malaria have markedly decreased and the condition of malaria transmission have fundamentally changed so that the malaria prevalence and morbidity have been obviously and stably decreased by the over 97 % and 99 % respectively compared with that before anti - malaria. However there still be two problems that' s there are some of "up mountain infection"eaused by A. dirus in some mountain forest areas, and an another group of A. minirnus with exophilie and equal tendency to man and cattle has widely distribution in hilly areas despite it has a lower transmission efficiency. Conclusion A great achievement has been gained by anti - malaria for a half century in Hainan Island and serious danger from malaria has been relieved essentially. But transmission of malaria will still last and the fight against malaria will be continued for a long time.
China Tropical Medicine