将产碱杆菌Alcaligenes sp.DN25固定在聚氨酯泡沫载体上构成固定化细胞反应器,进行连续处理含氰废水研究。实验结果表明,反应器能够高效且稳定地处理含氰废水,有很好的氰负荷适应性,水力停留时间HRT和pH值对反应器氰去除率有一定影响,反应器运行前40 d降解率维持在90%;运行的40-60 d,系统中加入氨氮离子后,反应器对氰化物的降解率明显下降,仅85%左右,我们认为是氨氮连续加入和产物HCOOH的生成引起系统缓冲能力下降,使得pH显著降低而造成。
An immobilized cell reactor was set up to degrade the cyanide wastewater. Cyanide was removed by the immobilized Alcaligenes sp. DN25 on polyurethane foam. The results showed that high and stable removal efficiency was kept for cyanide and the reactor had a good adaptation to loading of cyanide. Hydraulic retention time and pH value could affect cyanide removal rate. During the first 40 day, high removal efficiency of above 90% was kept for cyanide-degradation. In the following 40-60 d, removal efficiency of cyanide was decreased to be 85 % in immobilized cell bioreactor with NH4 ^+-N added. The reason may be the decrease of buffer capacity due to adding of NH4^ + and accumulation of product-formic acid, which results in activity decreased.
Technology & Development of Chemical Industry