
外来务工人群公共卫生现状及对策研究 被引量:6

The Situa-tion and Proposals Concerning Migrant Workers' Public Health
摘要 目的了解余杭区外来务工人群的公共卫生现状,探索该群体的公共卫生措施。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取余杭区1921名外来务工人进行问卷调查。结果外来务工人群的公共卫生现状不容乐观:2.8%的外来务工人群自述患有职业病,职业健康隐患多,超时劳动严重。外来务工人群艾滋病、结核病的知晓率较低(66.3%%和49.1%),超过三分之二的人未接受过相应的健康教育。流动儿童系统管理水平低,免疫接种水平与本地儿童存在较大差距。女性外来务工人群妇女病普查率低(50.7%),孕产期保健服务利用低。外来务工人群对余杭区公共卫生工作"满意"的占37.7%,认为"一般"的占55.2%,还有7.1%表示"不满意"。对余杭区提供的公共卫生服务和优惠减免政策了解较少。结论外来务工人群的公共卫生尚存在不少问题,政府及有关部门要围绕构建和谐社会的目标加强对外来务工人群的公共卫生管理与服务。 Objective To assess the situation of public health of migrant workers, and explore the public health measures for the population in Yuhang. Methods 1921 migrant workers were chosen by random and stratified sampling method. They were interviewed by questionnaire. Results The situation of migrant workers' public health was not optimistic. 2.76% of them considered themselves having occupational diseases, and thought that there were occupational hazards and they worked overtime seriously. Migrant workers had low awareness of Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (66.32%) and tuberculosis (TB) (49.14%). More than two-thirds of them had not access to the health education. Systematic health care of migrant children and the level of immunization of them were poorer than that of local children. The rate of gynecologic overall checkup of female migrant workers was low (50.69%), and the rate of utilization of pregnant and maternal care was also low. 37.69% of migrant workers were satisfied with the work of public health in Yuhang, 55.23% of them considered normal, and 7.06% of them were not satisfied. They also had low awareness of the public health service and the preferential policy in Yuhang. Condusions There were many problems about the migrant workers' public health. In order to realize harmonious society, the govenment should improve the service and management of migrant workers' public health.
作者 梅彩菊 李鲁
机构地区 浙江大学医学院
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2007年第10期1-2,5,共3页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 外来务工人群 公共卫生 传染病 职业病 免疫接种 妇幼保健 Migrant workers Public health Infectious disease Oceupational disease Immunization Maternal and child health
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