Objective To review the preventive effect of initiative fribrobronchoscopy treatment during the early phase after operation for post operative pneumonitis and atelectasis in the patients with lung cancer of state Ⅲ. Methods From June 2001 ,some preventive fribrobronrnchoscopy treatments during the early phase after operation for post-operative pneumonitis and atelectasis were carried out in 173 pratients among 332 patients. All patienst were divided into two groups according that. Results Patients(9. 7%) in the group of inchoate 159 patients before June 2001 had been found post-operative pneumonitis and atelectasis. 15 patient was dead because of lung infection; 7 patient(4. 0%)in the group of 332 patients who underwent operation after March 2004 had been found post-oerative pneumonitis and atelertasis amd only 5 patients(2. 9%)died. Conclusion More post operative pneumonitis and atelectasis happened in patients with lung cancer of state Ⅲ. To take initiative fribrobronchoscopy treatment during the early phase afrer operation can decrease the post-operative pneumonitis and atelectasis and raise the safety on the operation.
Central China Medical Journal
Lung cancer Fribrobronchoscopy Post-operative complication