介绍了一种基于PX I总线的高速数字化仪的设计理论和实现方法,从硬件和软件两个方面详细介绍了系统的设计方法。该采集平台基于高速模数转换器ADC08D1500和高性能可编程逻辑器件VIRTEX-4 SX35,可以实现3Gsps的实时采样率和8位的采样精度;板载512M DDR2内存模组,可以实现高速信号的实时存储;接口上采用PX I总线技术,采用PCI9054作为接口芯片;软件开发上采用DLL+API的模式,方便不同用户的定制。
This article introduces a design principle and implementation method of a high-speed digitizer based on PXI bus technology. It describes the system composition from two sides of the hardware and software. The acquisition platform is based on ultra high-speed ADC-ADC08D1500 and high performance FPGA-VIRTEX- 4 SX35, and it can realize the 3Gsps real-time sample rate and 8 hit sample accuracy. The on-board DDR2 dram module can realize high-speed data real-time storage. The PCI9054 is used as interface IC for PXI bus. The DLL + API mode is used in software development. That is convenient for different user's customizing.
Metrology & Measurement Technology