
全国人大及其常委会组成人员专职化的进程与展望 被引量:3

The Process and Prospect of Full-time Member System of National Peopole's Congress and Its Standing Committee
摘要 全国人大及其常委会组成人员兼职制度可以追溯到20世纪50年代初期。新中国国家最高权力机构组成人员兼职的历史条件,即在战争时期以夺取政权为目的的革命过程,奠定了国家权力机关组成人员兼职的社会基础;新中国成立初期巩固革命政权实行军事管制的政治权力结构为兼职的国家最高权力机关组成人员制度提供了的社会基础;1954年宪法制定参考革命时期的实践基础、历史经验与国际经验成为宪法确立最高国家权力机关组成人员兼职的制度基础。1954年宪法规定国家最高权力机构组成人员兼职制度以后,逐步在专职化方面努力。1982年宪法在此基础上继承了这个制度。但国家最高权力机关专职化的进程不断深入且主要体现在发展逐步提高专职的全国人大常委会组成人员比例,增设全国人民代表大会专门委员会和常务委员会工作机构,增加专门委员会组成人员的职数提高常务委员会组成人员参加专门委员会的比例,改善专门委员会和常委会组成人员的文化水平和年龄结构。回顾这些历史经验对于完善全国人大及其常委会的组织制度与专职化改革有着积极的历史借鉴基础。 The pate-time member system of National People's Gongress(NPC) and its standing committee can go back to the beginning of 1950s. China's NPC's membership organization formed with following historcal conditions Firstly, the revolutionary process of the New-democratic Revolution period in aim to seize power established th social basis for the part-time member system of state supreme power organization; secondly, the political power structure in the beginning of the foundation of New China which carried out military control to consolidate the regime established the political basis of the part-time member system of state supreme power organization; thirdly, the practice, tradition and social plitical structure in the revolutionary preiod and the experience of international communist movement establishe the legal system basis for the part-time member system of state supreme power organixation the NPC and its standing committees in the Constitution of 1954. Therewas continuous effort on the full-time member system after the Constitution of 1954 established the part-time member system of state supreme power organization. The Constitution of 1982 inherits this system, but the process to full-time member system of state supreme power organixtion continuously deepens. The process to full-time member system of state supreme power organization, continuously deepens. Tbe procee mostly exhibits as on the increase of percent of NPG standing committee full-time members, the establishmebt of NPC special committee and standing committee organization, the adding of uumber the special committee members, the proportion of the standing committee members who join the special committee, the improvement on the education status and age structure of standing committee members who join the special committee, the special committee members and etc. There are positve historical meanings for reference on the improvement of organizing system and full-time member reform of NPC and its standing committee to review these
作者 周伟
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第12期36-41,共6页 Hebei Law Science
基金 周伟承担的北京大学政治发展与政府管理研究所负责的教育部2004年重大课题攻关项目<社会主义政治文明与宪政>(03JZD004)子项目<宪政与人民代表大会制度>部分成果之一
关键词 全国人大及其常委会 组成人员 专职制度 历史经验 NPC and its standing committee member part-time system full-time route historical experience
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