Objective:To evaluate the visualization of costicartilage with maximum intensity projection (MIP), surface shaded display (SSD) and volume rendering (VR) techniques using multislice spiral CT (MSCT), in order to investigate the optimal imaging Methods of MSCT in costicartilage. Methods: 100 normal cases were performed in volume scan according to conventional chest scan by 16 multi-slice CT and in thin slice low contrast image reconstructions, Then all the source images were processed using MIP, SSD and VR techniques. At last, all post-processed images were observed and analyzed by two radiologists. Results: (1)The costicartilage and sternum were seen in each technique. (2)On evaluating the shape of costicartilage, the imaging modes of VR and MIP were better than that of SSD (ZMIP: SSD=-10.125, ZSSD: VRT=-10.201, P=0.000), but no significant difference was found between that of MIP and VR (ZMIP: VRT=-0.297, P=0.767). Conclusion: MIP and VRT were the best imaging method to display the shape of costicartilage using MSCT.
Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine