
含弹性杆件的并联机器人刚度分析 被引量:3

Stiffness analysis on parallel robot containing elastic links
摘要 通过分析包含弹性杆件的并联机器人的刚度系数的性质,计算了机器人在各方向上的刚度,绘制了最小刚度系数的变化曲线,研究了刚度与奇异位形、机器人的固有频率及弹性振动振幅的关系。计算实例表明,刚度系数和奇异位形、机器人的固有频率有密切的联系,可用于预测含弹性杆件的并联机器人的弹性动力学特性和响应,不需要进行弹性动力学计算,计算时间节省94%。 By way of analyzing the property of stiffness coefficient of parallel robots containing elastic links the stiffness of robot in various direction was calculated and variation curves of minimum stiffness coefficient was protracted. The relationship between stiffness with singular configuration, inherent frequency of robot and amplitude of elastic vibration was studied. The calculating example indicated that the stiffness coefficient has close relationships with singular configuration, inherent frequency of robot and can be applied to predict the elastic-dynamics property and response of parallel robot containing elastic links, and need not to carrying out elastic-dynamics calculation with a 94% economization in the computing time.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期32-34,共3页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50575002) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(3062004) 北京市教委科技发展计划资助项目(KM200610005003) 北京市教委人才强教拔尖人才资助项目(PHR(IHLB))
关键词 弹性杆件 并联机器人 刚度 固有频率 振幅 elastic links parallel robot stiffness inherent frequency amplitude of vibration
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