目前,在许多工程开发的过程中,都要和数据库相关联。例如:Oracle 9i,SQL Server 2000和Access 2003等。虽然每种数据库与Visual Studio.NET 2003中的C#连接方式多种多样,但也有很多相似之处,可以将相似的地方用统一方法写成实用的接口。这样可以很好地对C#Windows Forms程序和ASP.NET程序进行架构的组织,配合微软最近推出的ASP.NET 2.0版本的架构。可以将数据实体层(即数据库层)、业务逻辑层、界面表示层等进行分类。针对这3种数据库与C#.NET接口的相似性来写一种具有统一模式的接口。
At present,in many projects development process, they must be connected with the database. For example: Oracle 9i,SQL Server2000 and Access 2,003 and so on. There are various connection ways about each kind of database and Visual Studio. net 2003 C#. But, they are very similar, which may be wrote a practical interface with one unified way. It may organize well in the framework for the procedure of C # Windows From and Asp. net and cooperate with the frame of Asp. net 2.0 that is recommended by Microsoft recently. It may classify for data entity level (database level), business logic level, interface expression level, etc. This article aims at the similarity of the kinds of databases and C#. NET and writes a unified pattern database interface.
Modern Electronics Technique