Objective To observe and compare the difference of apoptosis in tumer cells induced by different influenza viruses. Methods . The shapes of HeLa cells in different time were observed in the electron microscope after they were infected by influenza virus type A1, B and ultraviolet exposure virus respectively. We used Annexin V-FITC staining flow cytometry (FCM) to observe the percentage of apoptosis. Results Typical apoptosis in HeLa cells were observed in microscope after infected by influenza viruses type A1 and B 24 hours. The percentage of apoptosis increased along with time expanded and culminated from 12 to 24 hours. The maxima of the percentage of apoptosis induced by influenza virus type B, A1, ultraviolet exposure influenza B virus(UV-B) and ultraviolet exposure influenza A1 virus (UV-A1) come to 38.65% ,23.94%, 18. 20% and 10. 05% respectively. There have significant difference between influenza A1 and B virus (P〈0. 01). Conclusion Influenza B virus is more strong than influenza A virus in the ability of inducing apoptosis. More over, the ultraviolet exposure influenza virus perhaps still has the certain ability of inducing apoptosis in HeLa cells. Compared with the influenza A virus, influenza B virus have greater research and application value in the treatment of cancer.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment