Objective To observe the benefits of maintenance therapy with inhaling of budesonide and formoterul in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods This was a randomized, parallei-group, placebo-controlled clinical trial. The trial was conducted in 94 patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They were randomized into inhaling of budesonide/formoteroland salmeterol/flutieasone, oraling of slow-release theophylline ( 200 mg bid ) , placebo ( not at all), for one year. Efficacy measures were spirometry and exacerbateions, satisfaction with treatments. Comparison of benefits was performed using superiority test. Results Of 94 patfents, all eompleted the study. The analysis showed that groups with the treatment of inhaling of budesonide/formoterol and salmeteroL/ fluticasone statistically slower descent of FEVI than the groups of slow-release theophylline and placebo. And the groups with the treatment of inhaling of budesonide/formoterol and salmeteroL/fluticasone experienced statistically fewer numbers than the groups of slow-release the- ophylline and placebo. And times to the first exacerbateion in patients receiving the treatment of inhaling of budesonide/formoterol was also delayed in comparison to the groups of slow-release theophylline and placebo. And the individuals were more satisfied with treatment in the inhaling of budesonide/formoterol than that in the others. Conclusion inhaling of budesonide/formoterol may be beneficial and had better compliance in long - term treatment of stable COPD.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine