Objective:To define the penile cutaneous blood supply and to design a new tech- nique for one-stage repair of hypospadias.Methods:Anatomical study of the blood supply of pe- nile skin was made with injection of 30% ABS solution in 8 male cadaver specimens.Ten hypospa- dias were repaired by the new technique including:1)The neourethra was reconstructed by penile ventral cutaneous island flap;2)The donor area of penile skin was covered by the scrotal septal cutaneous flap with its vascular pedicle.Results:Nine patients achieved good results.One patient required a second operation to close a urethral fistulas.Conclusion:The advantages of this new technique are as follows:1)The blood supply of the neourethra is adequate.2)Relaxation inci- sion on the dorsal penile skin or the temporary burying the penis in the scrotum is not necessary.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery