
基于关键要素的企业文化模型研究 被引量:8

A study on a company culture model based on the key elements
摘要 本文试图将难以捉摸的企业文化整合为有规律、可观察的企业文化现象,并通过对这些文化现象的深入分析,提出了"共同语言、流程、优先权、企业结构、授权、制度和会议"等七个企业文化的关键要素,并进一步将其归结为企业文化的理念、制度两个不同的层面,建立了相应的企业文化模型,得出了一些具有普适性和实践性的结论。 Firstly, the elusory company culture can be integrated into regular and observational company cultural phenomena; then the company culture can be divided into two layers. The key elements of company culture are common language, process, priority, structure, empowerment, system, and meeting. These seven key factors are put forward under the two layers of company culture and formed a corresponding company culture model to analyze the reality facing by enterprises.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期45-51,共7页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金委员会资助 资助号:J0524001 起止时间2005.6-2006.6 陕西省软科学基金资助 资助号:2004KR99 起止时间2005.9-2007.8
关键词 企业文化 关键要素 company culture key element
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