
黄瓜果实EST-SSR标记的开发 被引量:16

Development of EST-SSRs in Cucumber Fruit
摘要 黄瓜EST序列数量的迅速增加为开发新的SSR标记提供了宝贵的数据资源。本研究从GeneBank上公布的黄瓜EST序列中检索到902条来自果实的序列,利用SSRIT软件分析得到63条包含SSR的EST序列,设计了37对EST-SSR引物,结果显示有9对引物在7份黄瓜自交系上扩增有多态,占所设计引物总数的24.3%,平均等位变异数为2.1个,7份自交系间C8和S06遗传相似系数最小为0.22。有27对引物在3份甜瓜上有扩增产物,其中1对引物扩增有多态。这为今后黄瓜基因组研究奠定了一定基础。 Simple sequence repeat markers derived from expressed sequence tags (EST-SSR) are potentially valuable tools for plant breeding and germplasm collection conservation, and increasingly, efforts have been made for developing this type of marker. In this study, we have identified 9 polymorphic SSR markers from cucumber fruit EST registrated in public sequence database. The average allele number was 2.1 per locus, ranging from two to three alleles in screening 7 cucumber genotypes. Genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.22-1, with an average of 0.66 among 7 cucumber genotypes. Amplification products were also detected by 27 pairs of primer in 3 melon genotypes. These informative EST-SSR markers could be used in cucumber genome research.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2007年第5期725-728,共4页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 上海市科委基础研究重点项目(06JC14035)资助
关键词 黄瓜 表达序列标签 EST-SSR标记 Cucumber, EST, EST-SSR markers
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