市场化改革以来,国家一方面针对国有企业效率低下等问题实施了所有制结构的转变,另一方面,根据经济的发展程度和居民的生活要求等因素实现了产业结构的调整。但是究竟是所有制结构的转变还是产业结构的调整对经济增长的影响程度更强呢?本文通过运用Cobb-Douglas生产函数和Panel data模型分析得出所有制结构的转变对经济增长的影响程度较产业结构转变的影响程度强,为具体的政策分析和制度创新提供了一定的理论依据。
Since the market - oriented reform, the state restructures the inefficient state - owned enterprises in the ownership structure, and on the other hand achieves the transformation of the industrial structure according to the degree of development of the economy and the livelihood of the residents, and other factors required to achieve the industrial structural adjustment. But whether the change in the ownership structure or the readjustment of the industrial structure has a stronger impact on economic growth? This article aims to provide the theoretical basis for the policy analysis and institutional innovation through analyzing this problem by the Cobb - Douglas production function and Panel data model.
Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management