目的了解和探讨浙江省绍兴地区目前儿童幽门螺杆菌(H·pylori)感染率及临床状况,评价感染相关危险因素。方法2003—2005在浙江绍兴市人民医院用olympus GIF P30纤维胃镜对301例具有上消化道症状持续1个月以上的患儿进行胃镜检查,同时对患儿的年龄、性别、生活地区,环境因素(居住拥挤程度,卫生设施)、社会地位(母亲职业),经济条件(家庭收入),年幼时是否母乳喂养,患儿母亲受教育程度,密切接触患儿的监护人是否既往有胃部疾患史,患儿婴幼儿期是否有进食父母嚼后食物等因素进行调查分析。结果该地区儿童H·pylori的感染率为33·6%;消化性溃疡H·pylori的感染率为65·4%;年幼时进食父母嚼后食物会增加小儿H·pylori感染的风险,随母亲文化程度增高H·pylori感染风险降低;该地区儿童H·pylori感染与患儿年幼时是否母乳喂养,监护人是否有胃病史,母亲职业,家庭经济收入,生活地区等因素无统计意义上的关联。结论儿童H·pylori的感染率随年龄增大而增高;H·pylori感染与母亲文化程度,年幼时是否进食父母嚼后食物有关;儿童H·pylori感染易增加患溃疡的风险。
Objective To investigate the infection rate and clinical presentation and evaluate the associated risk factors for children with Helicobater pylori ( H · pylori ) infection in Shaoxing district, Zhejiang province. Methods Using Olympus fiber gastroscope ( GIF P30 ) , 301 children with upper gastrointestinal tract symptoms for the duration above 1 month were detected. Addtionally, a questionnaire was performed and analyzed for each case with regard to age, sex,living place and environment, family’s income, mothers job and education, the guardian's history of stomach disease, breast feeding, and eating food chawed by parents. Results The H · pylori infection rate was 33. 6 percent, among which there was 65.4 percent for digestive ulcer in local children. Eating the food chawed by parents could increase the risk of H · pylori infection for children, whereas the mother's higher education status could lower the risk of H · pylori infection. There were no significant associations between children's H · pylori infection and breast breeding, guardian's history of stomach disease, mother's job ,family's income, as well as living place and other factors. Conclusion Children's H · pylori infection rate increases with age and is related to some factors,which are mother's education status and eating food chawed by parents. H · pylori infection could enhance the risk of ulcer for children.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics
Helicobactor pylori infection
Risk factor