
内地与香港中学生同伴交往情境中的心理理解 被引量:1

Mind Understanding in Hong Kong and Mainland Adolescents in Peer Interaction
摘要 主要考察中学生心理理解能力上的个体差异。采用集体施测纸笔作答调查问卷。通过他们在具有代表性的同伴交往事件问题上的回答,了解他们对自身和他人被同伴接纳或拒绝事件的归因和解释。内地的447名中学生和香港的600名中学生参加了调查。结果表明,内地青少年比香港青少年更可能用客观原因解释社会交往事件。在对社会交往事件主观原因解释上两地中学生存在发展上的差异。对两地青少年而言,对自身负性事件的再次交往意愿显著低于自身正性事件,而香港青少年在自身负性事件上更低。总体上内地青少年的再次交往意愿高于香港青少年。对于内地青少年而言,在他人正性和自身正性事件中对情绪的评定没有差异,而对他人负性事件和自身负性事件的情绪评定有显著差异;但对于香港青少年来说,无论是他人正性自身正性事件还是他人负性自身负性事件,情绪评定都有显著差异。 This study aimed to identify the reactions of adolescents aged from 9 to 16 to peer interaction events, and to investigate individual differences in mind understanding and the differences in reactions between mainland and Hong Kong adolescents. Participants were recruited from one middle school in mainland( n =447) and one in Hong Kong(n =600). The results showed that the adolescents can actively construct interaction relations based on experiences and social information in different social events, and make dif-ferent reactions to different events. But some differences between mainland and Hong Kong adolescents indicated that social backgrounds and cultural norms together with individual experiences affect the reaction trend to different social events and social interaction modes. It is necessary to further probe the mechanism underlying the relationship between mind understanding and peer interaction.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2007年第1期19-25,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 北京大学-香港青年协会青少年发展研究中心资助 北京大学人格与社会心理学研究中心资助
关键词 同伴交往 心理理解 心理理论解释 青少年 peer interaction, mind understanding, interpretative theory of mind, adolescence
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