介绍了涟钢酸洗冷连轧联合机组(PL-TCM)采用四机架UCM轧机开发极薄规格产品(≤0.35 mm)工艺技术流程等。重点阐述冷轧极薄规格产品的板形控制、以及厚度精度控制等技术。生产实践过程中进行了优化工作辊、中间辊弯辊力的设定,调整模型控制以及优化乳化液浓度等工艺参数,从而改善极薄规格轧制技术,已取得大批量稳定生产冷轧极薄规格产品的实绩。
This paper introduces firstly the technological process of Pickling Line and Tandem Cold Mill (PL-TCM) in Lysteel. It expatiates the flatness and thickness control technique of Ultra-thin Gauge Production. In practice, we have optimized the set of WR & IMR's binder force, the parameter of model control and the concentration of emulsification liquid, then improve the technique of rolling Ultra-thin Gauge Production. It obtains the achieve of large amount production of cold rolled Ultra-thin Gauge sheet.
Shanghai Metals