本文所写的程序是为了我所试验所用的电源控制的测试工作,是对电压值进行平滑处理。只要给出时间递增量就能计算出平滑处理后的电压值。在本文中我们使用了抛物线平滑处理方法,该处理方法我们将基于组件对象模型COM(Component Object Module)来实现,在客户端程序里在对该组件方法进行调用。经实践证明该方法有很好的平滑效果。
The program is used to test for controlling power, and is used to curve the line of value of the voltage. If only given us a incremental change of time, we can work out the value of voltage by this way, which is introduced in this text and called arithmetic of parabola. We use COM (Component Object Module)to deal with this problem, This way is easy and useful, and have good effect to curve the line.
Control & Automation