
大鼠皮下脂肪分离间充质干细胞的体外培养及鉴定(英文) 被引量:1

In vitro culture and identification of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in rats
摘要 背景:脂肪间充质干细胞具有多向分化能力,并且相对更加容易获得,因此作为一种新的细胞工程的种子细胞日渐受到重视。目的:观察从大鼠皮下分离脂肪间充质干细胞的体外培养情况,并对其进行免疫细胞化学染色等鉴定。设计:动物实验。单位:解放军总医院心内科。材料:选用1只健康雄性Wistar大鼠,清洁级,鼠龄4个月,体质量200g;Ⅰ型胶原酶、DMEM培养基、特级胎牛血清(GIBCO公司);免抗大鼠CD13、CD34、CD44、105、Ⅷ因子、HLA-DR、VWF、Myosin等多克隆抗体及SABC试剂盒(武汉博士德公司);绿色荧光蛋白-重组腺病毒包装载体为北京本元正阳基因技术有限公司产品。方法:实验于2006-10在解放军总医院心内科完成。①细胞分离和培养:全麻下取Wistar大鼠腹股沟脂肪垫0.3g,剪碎,消化后培养,镜下观察有大量梭形贴壁细胞后二三天换DMEM培养液,观察细胞生长情况。调整细胞浓度为2×107L-1,接种于96孔细胞培养板,每孔100μL。从第2天起每日随机取3孔,胰蛋白酶消化细胞,分别用血球计数板在倒置显微镜下计数。②细胞存活率的计算:收集第3至第8代细胞,加入预配好的DMSO冻存液,2~4周后复苏,台盼蓝染色检测细胞存活率。③免疫细胞化学染色及鉴定:以2×107L-1的细胞数接种多孔培养板,24h后行CD13、CD34、CD44、CD45、CD105、Ⅷ、HLA-DR、VWF因子等细胞表面抗体的免疫细胞化学(SABC法)鉴定及油红染色。④多细胞系定向诱导分化及鉴定:用多孔板接种后加含特定诱导因子的培养基进行多系定向诱导分化,并进行油红O脂肪颗粒染色,对成骨诱导组进行碱性磷酸酶组化染色,对成心肌诱导组进行肌浆球蛋白免疫组化染色。⑤转染腺病毒携带的绿色荧光蛋白基:用96孔板接种第4代ADMSC,同时加入Ⅰ型腺病毒为载体的绿色荧光蛋白,以不同MOI值1∶50、1∶100、1∶150、1∶200转染,观察转染情况。主要观察指 BACKGROUND: Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) have the multilineage differentiation potential, and are relatively easier to be obtained, thus they have attracted more and more attention as a new seed cell for cell engineering. OB3 EC'I-IVE: To observe the in vitro culture conditions of ADMSCs isolated from rat's subcutaneous adipose tissue, and identify them using immunohistochemical staining. DESIGN: An animal experiment SETTING : Department of Cardiology, the General Hospital of Chinese PLA MATERIALS: One healthy male Wistar rat of clean degree, 4 months old, weighing 200 g, was used. DMEM, fetal bovine serum were from GIBCO; Monoclone antibodies of rabbit-anti-rat CD13, CD34, CD44, CD45, CD105, D-related human leucocyte antigen (HLA-DR), factor-VIII, vov Willebrand factor (VWF), Myosin, SABC kits and DAB staining kit from Wuhan Booster Biological Engineering, Co.,Ltd; Adeno-associated virus encoding green fluorescent protein from Vector Gene Technology Company Limited (Beijing). METHODS: The experiments were carried out in the Department of Internal Medicine, the General Hospital of Chinese PLA in October 2006. ①Cell isolation and culture: 0.3 g adipose tissue was cut from subcutaneous adipose tissue of Wistar rat's groin under aseptic condition, then minced and digested before culture, DMEM was changed at 2-3 days after plenty of fusiform-shaped attached cells were observed under microscope, and the cell growth was observed. The cell concentration was adjusted to 2x10^7 L^-1, then seeded into 96-well plate, and 100 p.L for each well. From the second day, 3 wells were randomly selected every day, the cells were released with tripsin, and counted with blood cell counting chamber under inverted microscope. ②Cell viability assay: ADMSCs of passages 3 to 8 were added to DMSO freeze medium, and thawed after 2-4 weeks, and the cell viability was assessed by trypan blue dye exclusion. ③Immunohistochemical staining and identification: 2 xl0^7 L^-1 cell
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第33期6701-6705,共5页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(30471924,30572445)~~
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