目的:研究生物标志ER、PR、Cyclin D1、Bcl-2和Bax在乳腺浸润性导管癌组织中的表达及其与乳腺癌患者无瘤生存时间和总体生存时间的关系,探寻这些生物标志对化疗患者预后的提示作用。方法:用HE及SP免疫组化染色法对100例乳腺浸润性导管癌作回顾性分析。结果:各生物标志的阳性率分别为ER60%,PR58%,Cyclin D1 55%,Bcl-250%,Bax34%。其中ER的阳性率与患者的绝经与否有关,ER、PR和Bcl-2的表达均与组织学分级负相关。Cyclin D1阴性的患者总体生存时间要短于Cyclin D1阳性的患者,χ2=7.77,P=0.0053。ER、PR阳性者与阴性者无瘤生存时间差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.59,PER=0.0322;χ2=6.19,PPR=0.0129),ER、PR阳性者无瘤生存时间更长。Bcl-2阳性者平均无瘤生存时和平均总体生存时间均长于Bcl-2阴性者。ER为阳性表达者,化疗后平均无瘤生存时间(55.4个月)长于ER阴性者(35.8个月),χ2=6.10,P=0.0135;Bcl-2为阳性表达者,化疗后平均无瘤生存时间(54.8个月)长于Bcl-2阴性者(41.6个月),χ2=10.11,P=0.0015。结论:ER、PR和Bcl-2的表达与患者的无瘤生存时间相关,Bcl-2和Cyclin D1的表达和患者的总体生存时间相关。ER和Bcl-2阳性表达患者化疗后无瘤生存时间较长。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expressions of gene protein ER,PR, Cyclin D1, Bcl-2, Bax and to analyse their relevance to tumor biological characteristics, chemother-apy, diseases free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) of patients. METHODS: HE staining and immunohistochemi-cal staining technology (SP) were used to do retrospective a-nalysis for 100 cases of breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma. RESULTS: The positive expression rates of gene proteins were as followings: ER 60%, PR 58%, Cyclin D1 55%, Bcl-2 50%, Bax 34%. ER, PR, Bcl-2 presented a negative correlation with SBR grading. Patients with Cyclin D1 posi-tive tumor had longer OS than those with Cyclin D1 negative tumor, X^2=7.77, P=0.0053, Bcl-2 positive women had more mean DFS and OS compared with Bcl-2 negative women. ER and PR positivity was significantly correlated with longer DFS, X^2=4.59, PER = 0.032 2, X^2=6.19, PER=0.0129, For those patients received postoperative ad-juvant chemotherapy, the expressions of ER, Bcl-2 had better prognosis and longer DFS. CONCLUSION: ER, PR and Bcl-2 all show significant correlation with DFS of breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Bcl-2 and Cyclin D1 all show significant correlation with OS of breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma. For those patients received postoperative adjuvant chemother-apy, the expressions of ER, PR, FHIT and Bcl-2 are associ- ated with a better prognosis and longer DFS.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment