Alternanthera philoxeroides has become a serious weed in China. A pathogenic fungus SF-193 was isolated in Yizheng of Jiangsu Provinces in 2005. SF-193 appeared to be specific and capable of severely damaging and thus suppressing the weed both in laboratory and in the field. Results showed that culture conditions and inoculum were important to the development of SF-193. Fresh potato dextrose broth, 28℃, and shake-culturing for 3 -5 d were the most effective. The optimal inoculum was the culture solution which contained mycelial and filtrate. Inoculum' s density and wetness duration influenced the efficiency of SF-193 to control A. philoxeroides ; a concentration of 1:10 (in fields) or 1:25 (in lab- oratory) and more than 8 h of high humidity duration after inoculation produced good infections on the weed at 25 - 30℃. SF-193 always provided good control of the weed at different environment and different season. Therefore, this fungus appeared to be a good candidate for further studies and a promising biocontrol agent to A. philoxeroides.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control