
中国内地农区产业集群研究——以河南为例 被引量:19

A Study on the Industrial Clusters in the Hinterland Rural Areas in China——A Case of Henan Province
摘要 目前,学术界对内地农区产业集群的研究还较为薄弱。基于对河南农区产业集群所做的实地调查,初步探讨了内地农区产业集群的形成原因、演变的阶段与机理,以及发展中存在的问题与对策。主要结论:内地农区产业集群形成的原因主要是具有企业家素质的个别农民利用偶然机遇开拓出商业机会,特定地区传统生产工艺与产业文化所决定的产业发展"路径依赖"效应,资源优势转化为产业发展的区位优势,人际关系带来的产业发展机遇,打工农民返乡创业所产生的扩散效应。其演化过程可分为手工作坊生产与原始积累,机械化生产与快速发展,内部分工与地方生产系统形成3个阶段。这个过程主要受4种机制的支配,即,创新与模仿的交互作用,促使产业集群不断实现规模扩张;低价格要素组合,低管理成本,形成了产业集群的低成本竞争优势;市场的成长引导产业集群的发展;产业集群的规模扩张成为推动其自身发展的一个重要的动力源泉。解决农区产业集群发展中的问题,在许多方面都有赖于地方政府的合理干预。 This paper attempts to explore the formation and the evolutional mechanism of the industry clusters in the hinterland rural areas in China, which has less been put attention to by scholars. Based on the survey in Henan Province, China, we can come into some conclusions, that is: in the hinterland rural areas in china, the emerging of industry clusters at some locations is principally derived from the following aspects. First, the accidental event occurred in a particular place, and individual persons with entrepreneur qualities can develop the business opportunities from it. Second, local traditional production technologies or special industry culture can be developed from the "path-dependent" effect of industry development. Third, advantages of resource endowment for an industry development can be transformed into the location advantages. Forth, special relationships between persons can provide opportunities for a particular industry development. Fifth, persons working outside return to hometown and do some pioneering works. The evolution of industry clusters from household handicraft production to machinery manufacturing and to the formation of the local production system is principally driven by four forces: the interaction of innovation and imitation, the expanding of the clusters' size, the lower costs of the production factors and the growing of the market. At last, this paper suggests that the solution of the problems of the industry clusters in Henan rural areas should largely depend on the local government.
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期1-6,共6页 Areal Research and Development
关键词 产业集群 农区 河南省 industry cluster rural areas Henan Province
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