目的 探讨葡萄膜炎并发白内障晶状体超声乳化吸出及人工晶状体植入术的疗效.方法 对46例(52眼)葡萄膜炎并发白内障行晶状体超声乳化吸出及人工晶状体植入术,其中2眼联合小梁切除术.结果 术后48眼(92.31%)视力较术前提高.术后6月视力≥0.5者43眼(82.69%),0.3~0.4者3眼(5.77%),0.1~0.2者3眼(5.77%),<0.1者3眼(5.77%).结论 晶状体超声乳化吸出术治疗葡萄膜炎并发白内障,术前充分准备,术中、术后处理得当,则术后炎症反应轻,视力恢复好.
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataract with uveitis. Methods 52 eyes of 46 patients with complicated cataract after uveitis underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation. 2 eyes did trabeculectomy. Results Visual acuity improved in 48 eyes (92.31%), The visual acuity at postoperative 6 months were ≥0.5 in 43 eyes (82.69%) ,3 eyes had 0.3- 0. 5(5.77% ) ,3 eyes had 0.1-0. 3(5. 77% ) ,3 eyes had less than 0.1 (5.77%). Conclusions Cataract with uveitis treated by phacoemulsification has little inflammatory reaction and the visual acuity is satisfactory.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries